Patch bay, also referred to as a patch panel or patch point, can be thought of as the nerve center for your studio. In audio production, a patch bay is where all hardware, multitrack recorders, drum machines, and effects processors can live to allow for the routing of different signal combinations between devices. This opens up a host of options for sound creation and processing, in that you don’t have to spend the majority of your studio time unplugging and plugging different devices, as all connections take place via the patch bay.
A patch bay can help identify weakness in signal flow, as all input and output routing occur in the same place. This makes it easy to test connections and cables. Not having to go back and forth behind your desk to route different connections saves time, and ultimately preserves the lifespan of your gear. Constantly connecting and disconnecting your inputs and outputs on hardware devices can weaken jacks, resulting in wear and tear.

A patch bay contains rows of input and output jacks arranged in vertical pairs on the front and rear panels, respectively. The rear panels top row receives the signal from the output of a hardware device and redirects it to the input utilizing the channel located directly below it. These devices can then be patched together in different combinations using the inputs and outputs on the front of the patch bay. While a patch bay does not produce sound on its own, the combinations of routing options made available by having multiple inputs and outputs in one central place is reason enough to consider the use of a patch bay, leading to more creative options.
Home studios are becoming more and more commonplace these days, and are enabling professional sounding results to be obtained in modest studio setups. The implementation of a patch bay can contribute greatly to the efficiency of studio sessions, enable a vast combination of sound creation options, and help in troubleshooting connection issues.
f you want to discuss how a patch bay can improve your workflow, drop us a line at +1 (818) 500-8142 or email us at
We love to talk signal flow!
Jack Field